

Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of medical conditions. Osteopaths work to restore your body to a state of balance without the use of drugs or surgery. Osteopaths use touch, physical manipulation, stretching and massage to increase the mobility of joints, to relieve muscle tension, to enhance the blood and nerve supply to tissues, and to help your body’s own healing mechanisms. They may also provide advice on posture and exercise to aid recovery, promote health and prevent symptoms recurring.

Cranial Osteopathy uses a similar concept of health, but uses a very gentle approach to influence the central nervous system and ultimately restore health through normal function.

Primary benefiting condition are musculoskeltal, but osteopathy can help manage pain, improve mobility, increase energy, reduce stress and be the best person we can in our own skin.

Foot Care

Our new Foot Health Profesional is now in clinic and taking bookings!

Nail care, diabetic foot checks, treatments for corns, calluses, hard skin, cracked heels, verrucas, fungal infections and ingrown toenails are available in a professional, warm and comfortbale clinical setting.

We also offer semi-bespoke orthotics and insoles. We fill the gap between expensive bespoke products and off the shelf products (which may not be suitable for your needs).


Massage is a treatment that uses different kinds of physical contact to relax, revive and heal the body. It is used to treat a wide range of emotional and physical health problems. Massage is the stroking, kneading, warming, rolling and pressing of skin and muscles. There are lots of different kinds of massage, each with broadly different origins and aims - some focus on soothing muscle pain; others on increasing energy levels; some aim to improve a specific physical condition; others simply to help you relax.

Massage makes you feel good in lots of ways, and can have a positive effect on your whole body - your bones, your muscles, your heart, your skin, your breathing, digestion, and your mental health.

We offer a range of treatments, including reflexology and hot stones.


Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practice that originated thousands of years ago. It is based on the premise that a blockage or disturbance in the flow of the body's life energy, or “qi,” can cause health issues. According to TCM theory, there are over 1,000 acupuncture points on the body, each lying on an invisible energy channel, or “meridian.” Each meridian is associated with a different organ system.

Acupuncturists insert hair-thin needles to specific acupuncture points throughout the body to restore the flow of qi, balance the body’s energy, stimulate healing, and promote relaxation. Acupuncture ultimately takes a different approach to healing, that can benefit a wide range of conditions, sometimes where traditional western approaches have failed.


Homoeopathy is a natural form of medicine used by over 200 million people worldwide to treat both acute and chronic conditions. It is based on the principle of ‘like cures like’. In other words, a substance taken in small amounts will cure the same symptoms it causes if taken in large amounts. For example, a patient suffering from hayfever may benefit from the homoeopathic remedy Allium Cepa (onion) because it produces similar symptoms such as watery eyes or runny nose.

Homoeopathy has been practiced worldwide for over 250 years. It is gentle and rarely causes side effects. This means it is suitable for adults, children and pregnant or breastfeeding women. It is a very safe and minimally invasive therapy that works with the body's immune response to improve health.

We offer Homoeopathy consultations and stock HELIOS homoeopathic products in store!

Ear Microsuction and Irrigation 

Ear wax is a naturally occurring substance produced by the ear canal to protect and clean the ear. However ear wax can build up leading to discomfort and hearing loss. Ear wax removal via microsuction is a professional treatment which safely and effectively removes ear wax and clears blockages using a tiny suction device. Unlike the common alternative method - ear syringing, microsuction removes wax without the use of water and is considered a painless and more effective treatment.

We offer treatment to patients 18 years and over. 

Please find more detailed information about treatment on our FAQ page

Beauty Treatments

Our new beauty therapist is now in clinic and taking bookings!

Treat yourself to one of our extensive ranges of luxury beauty treatments including facials, waxing and massage, to help keep you feeling relaxed and looking fabulous. Our therapist Emma is qualified in intimate area waxing for men and women.

Facials help in reducing stress, cleanse the skin, reduce signs of ageing, promote blood circulation, and rejuvenate and detoxify the skin leaving you with a healthy glow.

Eyebrow and eyelash tinting is the perfect way to look made up with minimum effort. Your eyebrows and eyelashes will look defined without a slick of makeup.

Please see our Prices page for more information on treatments and special offers.


Bank House Clinic now stocks a range of wellness and therapeutic products to aid your recovery and well-being.

Our goal is to find the best products that care for you and the environment. We have award winning plastic free soaps and shampoo bars, dental care, homeopathics, aromatherapy, skin care and Vasyli orthoses.

We also stock Yoga and tissue repair heat packs. Our foot care is supplemented by a Scholl foot care range and a unque Emu Oil recovery balm.

If you are looking for gifts we also sell scented candles, bath bombs & salts and and AromaWorks reed diffusers.

Vouchers for treatment and products can be purchased here > BUY NOW. check here for pricing.

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